Oregon Physical Features


Oregon Physical Features

Physical Features are the natural features of the Earth's surface.

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Oregon Physical Features
Arches 15
Areas 122
Bars 145
Basins 294
Bays 145
Beaches 51
Benches 25
Bends 76
Capes 223
Cliffs 183
Craters 22
Falls 239
Flats 1,153
Gaps 314
Glaciers 36
Guts 46
Islands 313
Isthmuses 1
Lakes 1,993
Lava 15
Pillars 190
Plains 16
Ranges 44
Rapids 151
Ridges 883
Slopes 38
Springs 4,395
Streams 12,050
Summits 3,581
Swamps 181
Valleys 2,986
Woods 6